Four simple ingredients combine to create magical bites of Christmas joy. Peppermint Moose Balls are simple to make while still tasting elegant, they are perfect for your next gathering! I still remember that it was my Aunt Dea (thanks Dea!) that first introduced “Moose Balls” to our family. Once I tasted it I had to know…
Holiday Gift Guide 2015
One of my favorite things in the world is Christmas….I mean just check out the About Me page, I listed Christmas as a thing I love! And part of my obsession is shopping for friends and family, even though sometimes it can be hard to decide what to buy one person or another, I still…
Homemade Peppermint Mocha Creamer
This homemade Peppermint Mocha Creamer is better than the store-bought stuff and is so easy to make with only four ingredients and tastes like Christmas. It is finally December and that means one thing to me: all christmas, all the time! I will come clean, my house has been fully decorated for Christmas since the…
Mashed Potato, Bacon, and Scallion Pizza
Happy Thanksgiving! Well…tomorrow. ? One thing I look forward to most about thanksgiving is leftovers. I might actually like the leftovers better than Thanksgiving dinner! I know, crazy. I really LOVE turkey and turkey leftovers are even better, I never find myself bored of them. But one thing that does get a bit old after a few…
Quick and Easy Philly Style Steak Subs
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching the thing you need now is a fast and delicious dinner because you are busy working, planning an epic Turkey day dinner, and starting to think about Christmas shopping! I’m exhausted just thinking about it, so take a night off and enjoy this Philly Style Steak Sub. I will always have…
Butternut Squash Gratin with Pesto
Holiday season is officially here and we are quickly approaching Thanksgiving at what feels like the speed of light! I have no idea where October went but here we are planning what to make for Thanksgiving dinner. Next thing we know it will be Christmas! I might have already started some shopping. But anyway, back…